11 September 2012

Pennsylvania, New York, Texas, Maine, probate files, guardianship, orders and decrees

Will testators
PA - Greene col. Vol 5 (1874-1899) 322 records
NY - Orange co Vol. 36-39 (1874-1877) 378 records
NY - New York co. Vol 106-110, 1016-1021 (1852-1854, 1914-1915) 1491 records
NY - Ulster Co. Vol. 7 (1907-1911) 668 records
NY - Orange Co. Original Wills Vol. 440-441 (1773-1920) 379 records
NY - Albany co. Vol. 38-41 (1890-1893) 1003 records
NY - New York co. Vol. 106-110 (1848-1854) 661 records
NY - Westchester Vol. 27-31 (1843-1850) 320 records
PA - Washington Vol 1-5 (A-D surnames only) 1782-1840) 496 records
PA - Westmoreland vol. 2 (690 records) 1788-1839
PA - Juniata Vol. A-E (1831-1917) 1516 records - completed
PA - Snyder vol. 1-2 (1855-1882) 376 records - completed

Probate Files
NY - Madison (1854-1856) 169 records
TX - Hunt Surnames B (1852-1920) 429 records
NY - Madison (1854-1856) 169 records, ongoing
TX - Hunt Surnames B (1852-1920) 429 records, ongoing
TX - Hunt Surnames A (1852-1920) 169 records, ongoing
ME - Aroostook (1837-1915) 1291 records, ongoing

NY - Jefferson Vol 1-7 (1850-1908) 3019 records, completed

Miscellaneous Orders and Decrees
(Judges and officials issuing orders and decrees to govern the estates and guardianships)
NY - Orange co. Vol 552-556 (1868-1888) 441 records

There are many other counties and states, all with free access to index lists.
